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The Tomb of Rachel ~ Hebron Road ~ Bethlehem, Israel. |
The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) voted recently to officially declare Rachel's Tomb to be a mosque. UNESCO director Irena Bokova had previously stated “concern” at Israel's decision to treat the tomb as a heritage site. What is it if it is not a 'heritage site'???
Rachel, the beloved wife of the third Patriarch, Ya'acov, died in child birth on the way to Hebron returning to his family's home. They set out from Bayt-El; but when they were still some distance from Efrat, Rachel went into childbirth, and she had hard labour. When her labour was at it's hardest, the midwife said to her, "Have no fear, for it's another boy for you." But as she breathed her last, as she was dying, she named him Ben-Oni, but his father called him Benyamin. So Rachel died. She was buried on the road to Efrat ~ now Bethlehem. Over her grave Ya'acov set up a pillar, it is the pillar at Rachel's grave to this day. ~ Torah, Parshat Vayishlach ~ (Genesis 35:16-21) ~
Ya'acov buried Rachel at this spot, rather than a the family burial plot at the Cave of the Patriarchs in Hebron, (which has incidentally also been declared a 'mosque') because he foresaw that his descendants would pass this site during the the forced exile to Babylon in the year 423 B.C.E. And then Rachel would pray for their safety and ultimate return, as it's written ~ Rachel, weeping for her children, she refuses to be comforted for her children who are gone. Thus said HaShem ~ 'Restrain your voice from weeping, your eyes from shedding tears for there is reward for your labour' declares HaShem. 'They shall return from the enemy's land and there is hope for the future' declares HaShem 'Your children shall return to their own country' ~ Jeremiah 3:15-17 ~
So Ya'acov set up a monument over her lonely grave site so that exiled Jews would recognize it and pray and be comforted as they were being led into captivity. Ancient writings describe the grave marker as 12 stones that represented the 12 tribes of Israel with one large stone that symbolized Ya'akov.
Rachel's Tomb ~ Early 1900's |
Since the time of her burial the Tomb of Rachel has always been a special place for prayer. To this very day, men and women go to Rachel's Tomb to shed tears and beg "Mother Rachel" to intercede with Ha'Shem on their behalf ~ for the health of a loved one or for Divine intervention for those in need. Rachel, the childless woman who ultimately became mother of the Jewish People, has become a special symbol of hope for childless women ~ teaching them the power of prayer. Hundreds of requests are sent every month to the Committee For Rachel's Tomb from Jews world wide, requesting prayers to be said on behalf of the ill, the childless and those in need of a special blessing.
The Palestinian Authority has claimed that Rachel's Tomb is holy to Muslims as the site of a mosque called the Bilal Bin Rabah Mosque. Rabbi Shmuel Rabinovich, Rabbi of the Western Wall, has termed the decision “outrageous”. “They have never said in the past that this was a Muslim holy site. The [UN] organization responsible for heritage has turned heritage into politics.” Israel should think carefully about whether or not to cooperate with UNESCO in the future, he said. Israel's Foreign Ministry has also denounced the UNESCO ruling.
Under Ottoman rule, Rachel's Tomb was a Jewish site. Only in 1996 did the PA begin to call the site the 'Bilal Bin Rabah Mosque', he said.
From the Byzantine period until the 1800's Rachel's Tomb consisted of a tiny domed structure. It was Sir Moses Montifeori who renovated the Tomb in 1841 and added on an anteroom and enclosed the dome over the grave marker so that pilgrims could find shelter from the elements. The town of Bethlehem has grown several fold and where once Mother Rachel's Tomb was in an open area on the road side, today it stands in the centre of the town with one of the main streets passing right next to it.
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The Tomb in 1944. |
This land has treasonably been granted to Arafat & the 'palestinian' people. The tomb has been enlarged & encased for it's protection as we see in the modern photograph above. The new Rachel's Tomb consists of the previous structure housed within the expanded and reinforced edifice. New additions include the 2 guard towers in the above picture. This new Rachel's Tomb complex is a modern and stately building that has been designed to protect the tomb and those inside, yet it's interior retains the intimacy and unique serenity that has been characteristic of Rachel's Tomb.
Tens of thousands of Jews recently visited Rachel's Tomb to mark the matriarch's Yartzheit (anniversary of her death). The tomb is located within Bethlehem city limits, but remained under Israeli control when the rest of Bethlehem was transferred to Palestinian Authority control. Journalist Nadav Shragai, writing for Yisrael Hayom, noted that Muslims living in the land of Israel have historically referred to Rachel's Tomb as “Kubat Rahel,” the Arabic term for “Rachel's Tomb.”
Rachel's Tomb is a living symbol of Ha'Shem's promise to Rachel that her children will return to the Land Of Israel. Jewish life today thrives in Rachel's Tomb. In these days, despite the on-going war of attrition people still go to recite Tehillim, daven and learn Torah. Classes by renowned Jewish speakers are held there. Rachel's Tomb has also become a place of joy as Britot and Bar/Bat Mitzvah celebrations are held within it's walls. The Committee For Rachel's Tomb is sponsoring the Rachel's Tomb Educational Centre which reaches out to the thousands of teenagers visiting Israel and to Israeli students, teaching Jewish heritage through the legacy of the Matriarch Rachel and the Twelve Tribes of Israel. They accept donations .... The Committee For Rachel's Tomb, Dale Baranowski, Director, P.O. Box 24, 90942 Elazar, Israel. So tell me .... How is this not a Heritage Site of Eretz Yisrael ???
(In Hebrew with English Subtitles).
everything is a mosque Pixel!
ReplyDeleteWhere do I begin?
ReplyDeleteI can't deal with it now. I will blow a fuse.
But for what it is worth, they do the same thing to Christians- bulldozing 1700 year old cemeteries, converting churches into mosques, annihilating the personhood and culture of ANYONE they disagree with.
This is no surprise. All I can tell you is to RESIST.
Well Pana, everyone's land belong to some other people at one time. That's another reason why nationalism and this notion of "this land belongs to my people and only my people regardless as to whether or not we are using it" seems quite silly to me.
ReplyDeleteSo the Jews might have been using those buildings so many centuries ago - so what? Does first occupancy alone prove a legitimate claim to property? I say no.
As far as I'm concerned, there should be no states, and all lands should be held in common so these debates will be pointless. I would advise reading this text if you'd like to find out more about property claims and what constitutes legitimate and illegitimate property.
@ Julia
ReplyDeleteProperty rights are one of the PRIMARY bases of civilization. Without property rights, you either have anarchy and Endless War or else you have a totalitarian order which fails to perform economically and therefore locks the People into thralldom and starvation.
What you propose sounds very Utopian, but it simply does NOT work and it is PROVEN not to work.
PS, If property REALLY doesn't matter, then why don't Iran & Syria, as well as NGOs such as Hamas and Hezbollah surrender their nonexistent property rights (according to YOUR OWN THEORY) to Israel (or the USA or the United Nations) and allow the same to administer those nonexistent rights for the common good of all of the Middle Eastern peoples? For that matter, why don't we just annex Saudi Arabia (just a small portion) and tax the oil revenues for the benefit of the those who claim status as Palestinians? And in this way, they can have not only a HOMELAND in ARABIA (because they are Arabs) but never ending welfare checks from the petroleum revenue streams.
In this way, there will be something for everyone.
Well articulated, as usual! Honor thy mother and father applies to Mother Rachel as well!